Friday and Saturday,
December 2nd & 3rd 
10 - 1 PACIFIC / 1 - 4 EASTERN

Consciousness is the Vision, the New Paradigm of Sales

We are unconditionally devoted to our dharma. 
This is where we rest.

In the sales conversation.

This is radical.

You are here to be conscious - and quality high-end sales connections will support you with that. 


You are here to make money, in alignment with your values - and quality high-end sales connections will support you with that too.

Leaning into your edge requires and calls forth the most powerful container you can hold. Supporting your potential clients at their edge requires and calls forth the most powerful container you can hold. 

Sales don’t need to feel icky.

You don’t need to feel fearful of what will happen.

You don’t need to control the outcome, or only hear “yes.”

You don’t need to manipulate.

You don’t need to be stepping on eggshells saying the right thing.

You don’t need to hide your insecurity.  

You can feel your best, shine your brightest, and serve at the highest level when you sell.

Your sales conversations can be where you love the most, are the most truthful, and have the most impact.

It's time to reframe and reprogram what it means to SELL. 

Release the old paradigm that makes it hard and uncomfortable.

Step into the new economy of consensual sales.

Sales done any other way is part of why our world is broken and transforming how sales are done (as a service, as a spiritual practice, as the highest version of our love) is a lever we can use to transform the economy and liberate the world!

Immerse spirit and truth into every aspect of your life - including your sales process.

Let your potential client's vision take you both on a heart opening journey.

If you:

  • Are fantastic at what you do 

  • ​​Have depth and devotion in your personal practice

  • Want to make at least $30,000 every month

  • Want to experience deep fulfillment in your work on all levels 

  • ​Want to leverage your intuition and integrity in making sales

You are invited to join me for:

With Jesse Johnson, Master Sales Coach

This two-day retreat removes any division between service, integrity, authenticity and SALES for full spiritual and financial alignment.

  • Bring God into your sales practice and step into business flow

  • ​​See the impact of true service by training to focus on your client without your insecurities

  • Liberate yourself from a lifetime of codependency by committing to truth telling in sales

  • ​Build a sales foundation for life, with a simple, energetically informed sales process

Friday and Saturday, December 2 and 3 
10 - 1 PACIFIC / 1- 4 EASTERN

Your Registration Options:

ONLY $444






I have to express my gratitude to Jesse for creating a space that has to do with spirituality and God and money in a way that I could relate to. I have never ever found one. And just the fact that you never even used buzzwords like manifestation is the coolest thing to me. I've looked long and hard for a program that talked about money, that didn't feel like it was devoid of depth, of devotion, and true inner work. It's just not that common anywhere in the world, but things only work for me when there is a depth to what's going on. It has helped my business so much, mostly by creating a deeper sense of ease that really works for me, this sense of being aligned with what I'm here to do.

- Adriana Rizzolo |

I was earning 20k per year, working really hard, running all over the world.

In the first month of hiring Jesse, I had a 20k month. I made approximately 150k in the first year, working just a handful of hours per week as a spiritual teacher with clients I love. When I signed the contract with Jesse, I had not a third of that amount to my name. I made the money to pay in full for my program (30k) within 6 weeks. Since then, I’ve had months where I made 60k, and my business is still growing.

- Madhuri Pura Dasa, Spiritual Health and Wellness Coach |

I couldn’t scale to the next level within my current operating system. Jesse came into my life in a very synchronistic way, and as soon as I said yes to working with JJC, it just blew the lid off. I completely upleveled the price of my offering, because in the moment I was willing to pay a lot more money for the support, that was the moment I believed people would be willing to pay more money for my services. It is absolutely, absolutely the way.

In the first month that we worked together, I brought in around 50,000. In the second month that we worked together, I brought in 90,000. In the third month, I hit my goal of bringing in $188,000… while in Sardinia enjoying myself at the beach.

- Tiffany Carole |

You do not need to ‘tolerate’ the sales conversation...

You need to elevate
your connection.

To God.

To Yourself.

To the Person sitting in front of you.

It can feel vulnerable, raw, and uncomfortable because you might get rejected and because you have probably experienced sales as something smarmy, sleazy, nasty. Something that was done to you, whether you wanted it or not. 

This just means you’re still in the old paradigm of sales. 

Discover sales as a place where you get to bring your innovation, authenticity, creativity, and spirituality.

Serve people more than they've ever been served before. 

In this new paradigm, your intuition, what you’re being guided to do, is so important.

Your success is directly proportional to you BEING YOURSELF UNAPOLOGETICALLY. 

Join the New Paradigm of sales

This two-day retreat removes any division between service, integrity, authenticity and SALES for full spiritual and financial alignment.

  • Bring God into your sales practice and step into business flow

  • ​​See the impact of true service by training to focus on your client without your insecurities

  • Liberate yourself from a lifetime of codependency by committing to truth telling in sales

  • ​Build a sales foundation for life, with a simple, energetically informed sales process

Friday and Saturday, December 2 and 3 
10 - 1 PACIFIC / 1- 4 EASTERN

Your Registration Options:

ONLY $444


I am an activator—a success and mindset coach who helps ambitious, soulful entrepreneurs live out their purpose, make an impact, and increase their revenue with clarity, ease, and efficiency.

My gift lies in the ability to help you see your potential for profit, impact, and freedom in your life.

It’s a gift that has not only allowed me to build my own multi-million dollar company from scratch (in only 24 months), but also support my clients as they do the same.


I am an activator—a success and mindset coach who helps ambitious, soulful entrepreneurs live out their purpose, make an impact, and increase their revenue with clarity, ease, and efficiency.

My gift lies in the ability to help you see your potential for profit, impact, and freedom in your life.

It’s a gift that has not only allowed me to build my own multi-million dollar company from scratch (in only 24 months), but also support my clients as they do the same.


Coming out of this retreat with Jesse, I felt clearer in my vision, curious about how I transform sales into devotional service to the world and empowered to level up my growth in every area of my life especially money and relationships.

- Yo Wood

This event was super powerful and opened up a doorway for space and integration. I feel more ready and willing to step into my business. Thanks Jesse!

- Jacqueline Rolandelli

2022 Copyright Jesse Johnson Coaching