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The Vault Is open! Our Most Requested Content all In one Place

A Value Of $10,000 - Right Now For Only $1,997

Everything you need to launch, grow, and sustain a million dollar business doing what you love is in here.

The trainings in this bundle represent the evolution of JJC (from startup to multiple 7-figures) and all the insight my team and I have gained in the process.

The #1 lesson we’ve learned?

Sales is the vehicle that moves your business. 

Everything you need to launch, grow, and sustain a million dollar business doing what you love is in here.

The trainings in this bundle represent the evolution of JJC (from startup to multiple 7-figures) and all the insight my team and I have gained in the process.

The #1 lesson we’ve learned?

Sales is the vehicle that moves your business. 

Until you have your sales on lock, spending time and money on anything else makes no sense!

The good news is, the way I teach sales is completely different from anyone else. You’ll learn to sell in full integrity with your values and spirituality, in deep service to others.

Sales will become a spiritual practice for you. You’ll experience paradigm-shifting truths and total mindset rewiring that will change your results instantaneously.

Embrace and express your deepest soul gift and desire AND make all the money you want and need.. through sales! 

The good news is, the way I teach sales is completely different from anyone else. You’ll learn to sell in full integrity with your values and spirituality, in deep service to others.

Sales will become a spiritual practice for you. You’ll experience paradigm-shifting truths and total mindset rewiring that will change your results instantaneously.

Embrace and express your deepest soul gift and desire AND make all the money you want and need.. through sales! 


ALL of my top sales training programs PLUS a brand-new exclusive training only available with this bundle. Each training includes comprehensive video teachings plus a beautifully produced workbook with prompts and exercises, providing a fully interactive experience - so you can apply the teachings directly to your business! 

TOTAL VALUE: $10,000

Only $1,997

Training 1: Money, Mindset, Meditation 

This is the first place to step into mastery around your GIFT and how to impact the world with it.

One of our most beloved, popular, time-tested, and successful programs. It addresses the three core areas that often need realignment in yourself and your business.

1. Your relationship with MONEY. There’s a whole lot of juice for transformation here, and it’s about much more than the money itself.

2. Your MINDSET about your business, clients, or potential; this is the one that makes or breaks your sustainable success.

3. Your MEDITATION practice or connection to God. Maybe this is incredibly solid in your life… How does that translate into your business?

Here are a few things you can expect...

  • Deep exploration with what you truly desire.
  • ​Explanation of how to course correct your “internal GPS” to get what you desire - who is really in the driver’s seat of your life?
  • ​Uproot mindsets that create sabotage and induce lack thinking.
  • ​Develop a core sense of accountability and who to be accountable to.
  • ​Release everything that no longer serves your vision and truest desires.
  • ​Align your GIFT of service with sales mastery.
  • ​Embrace selling as your truest form of service to shift everything about the way you connect with people.
  • ​Create your success plan to 10X your revenue through your unique GIFT.
  • ​Increase your understanding of how to find and close ideal clients.
  • ​Experience a deep-dive introduction to my signature 6-step process for success, including but not limited to sales mastery!

Training #2: 6 Steps to 7 Figures

The core of what I teach! This is a precisely structured approach to the exact 6-step process I used to build MY soul-based business from scratch.. Within two years, I had transitioned from public school math educator to 7-figure entrepreneur.

You can do it even faster if you like.

I’ve supported client after client to follow these steps with epic financial results. And I’ve continued to tweak and develop the process, so you don’t have to!

The Result Is This Highly Refined Course.

Six Steps to 7-Figures is a comprehensive course dedicated to your financial freedom. It covers….

  • 7 Figures In Two Years - How Did I Do It ?! Hear my story firsthand in detail - how I went from math educator to 7-figure spiritual entrepreneur in two years and my business continues to grow as I get more and more masterful.
  • ​Everything Has Led You To This Moment. You know it and I know it. You’ve been on an epic spiritual journey in this life and you have the gifts and wisdom to show for it. Let’s get you geared up to SHARE with the world!
  • ​The Six Steps - A deep dive into the process itself. With an individual teaching video devoted to each step, you’ll learn the concrete tools and actions to take - alongside your spiritual mindset framework for success. 
  • ​Do The Math. I love math. So many people shy away from working with numbers. But millionaires aren’t imaginary - they’re made! And the pathway to 7-figures begins with a simple math problem. 
  • ​Q & A - Questions and answers with people just like you who have taken the course live.
  • ​The Results - Hear firsthand success stories directly from the clients whose lives have been transformed by The Six Steps. 

Training #3: Sales Mastery 101- available EXCLUSIVELY with this bundle! 

These fundamental teachings are pulled directly from Sales Full Stop, my most powerful, high-end group program which is designed to do two things:

1. Help you get to your financial goal THIS month - and then keep doing it. (SFS participants set, and crush, monthly goals of 10k, 25k, 50k and beyond!) 

2. Fall deeply in love with your sales process and practice.

Usually reserved for our VIP clients, this training is truly the heart and soul of my teachings on sales.

This is where we get extremely concrete, preparing you to get on the phone and get dramatically improved results IMMEDIATELY.

You will…

  • Establish your REAL financial goals - and you might be surprised by what they are. 
  • ​Powerfully visualize and create the future in which those goals have been achieved.
  • ​Get clear and specific about your authentic menu and pricing and plan it out concretely.
  • Integrate money and legacy, understanding money as a tool for freedom and liberation, and…  

This piece is priceless. It’s called the Sales Score, and it takes you through the entire sales call from start to finish in the most effective and service-oriented way possible. You’ll learn what questions to ask and why, when to dig for more information, when to give space, and how to CLOSE.

Training #4: Energetics of Sales 

This training is absolutely foundational when it comes to experiencing sales as a spiritual practice.

Sales is a tool for being even more alive, and even more aware of what you’re doing on the inside - spirit, heart, and soul. Whatever makes life rich and awesome is the same thing that makes sales rich and awesome.

With EOS you will… 

  • Understand the subtle, underlying energetic currents at work in a sales conversation 
  • Ground into your true role in a sales conversation (hint: it’s a massive relief)
  • Learn how to VIRUS proof your business. You are not held captive by the circumstances of the world around us. There is infinite prosperity circulating. 
  • Dive into your confidence and trusting what you KNOW to be true in the midst of the sales conversation. 
  • ​Step into your expert AUTHORITY in a way that draws prospects in desiring more connection, service and direction from you. 
  • ​​Gain the CLARITY in any conversation that you need to lead a prospect to a decision.

BONUS: You’ll also receive 3 of my favorite recorded Meditations to deepen your process!

  • Create Wealth with Ease: Relax, connect to your true desires, and open up the channels to receiving money.  
  • Bold, Authentic, Self Expression: Embrace and embody your full confidence and potential. 
  • Inner Elder: Travel to the future to receive insights from the version of you who is already living the life you desire.

Two months into my coaching, I made my biggest coaching sale to date.

In my business I am on a mission to empower one million women.

Before I hired JJC, my business was growing on a limited battery. I thought I had to choose between wealth, health, passion and service – and I couldn’t allow myself to be truly supported. Two months into my coaching, I made my biggest coaching sale to date ($21k!) followed quickly by my biggest month ever (39k!) and I felt liberated – time and money became much more expansive. I brought ease, grace, and joy back into my work. My breakthrough happened when I realized that I cannot be of service if I have taken myself out. I am MORE THAN WORTHY of SURPLUS!!!!!

Amina Al’tai
 Holistic Leadership & Mindset Coach

So much love to Jesse for her holding an incredible container for me to transform within.

In a few weeks, I learned how to move past many subconscious blocks, get very clear about my vision for my service, and bring dynamic confidence into all other areas of my life including my relationship with my clients, fiancé, God, and my own self. In a few months, I have learned how to serve more people than ever before from a place of abundance and get out of the stickiness that can come with an unevolved approach to business and sales. I went from making 2-4k/month to 24k/month in six weeks of working with Jesse.

I have sustainably increased my income six-fold and can re-invest in my offering, clients, community, teachers and family with ease. So much love to Jesse for her holding an incredible container for me to transform within.

Yamuna Bihari

In the first six months of working with Jesse, I consistently booked 100k + per month in contracts.

I put money in the hands of women.

Before hiring JJC I was making an inconsistent 10-20k per month. Though I brought in 6-figures the prior year, I struggled. I was in an enrollment slump and hadn’t enrolled a high-paying client for six months.

Immediately after saying yes, I got on track for 7-figures by booking my first 75k client. In the first six months, I consistently booked 100k + per month in contracts, and consistently deposited $50-100k per month - while taking more time off and spending more time with my family than ever before.

Demi McConkie
Founder of Wealthy Women Now

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A Value Of $10,000 - Right Now For Only $1,997

© 2025 Jesse Johnson Coaching