

Do you have one?



Do you have one?

The fast track to finding out if this is really what you want.

Do you want it?

Not everyone has the spirit to be an entrepreneur. In this quick course together, we'll find out if you do.

Master Your Self

Do you know who you are? Do you know how to make decisions as yourself? Do you know how to stand strong in your truth and not be carried away by uncertain times? You need to know how to make decisions effectively and independently as an entrepreneur in order to succeed long term.

Master Your Genius

Know your role. Know what you have to offer. Know what you’re selling.

Do you?

Master Your Sales

Be recognized for who you are and what you offer at the value you’re worth.


Our last time together for questions and integration. Soak it in.

I support spiritual entrepreneurs in building 7 figure businesses
by bringing their full spirit into their business.

Are you going to be one of them?

I support spiritual entrepreneurs in building 7 figure businesses by bringing their full spirit into their business.

Are you going to be one of them?

Join me this April,

for five classes over two weeks as we determine if you’ve got the Entrepreneurial Spirit.

Are you someone who likes more information before making a decision?

scroll on -

I’ve got answers to your questions.

Join me this April,

for five classes over two weeks as we determine if you’ve got the Entrepreneurial Spirit.

Are you someone who likes more information before making a decision?

scroll on -

I’ve got answers to your questions.

This is a Priming Course

Primed for Expansion

We call this Master Your Self, and it’s your 2nd class. Do you know how to run your life - including your business - as your true self. If you are the boss, you need to be the authority. Do you know how to confidently make decisions as your true self? Do you know what it’s supposed to feel like for you when things are working out exactly the way they’re meant to? Do you know yourself and what you want enough to recognize when you’ve made it?

Primed for Business

We call this Master Your Genius, and it’s your 3rd class. What is it exactly that you do? Perhaps you aren’t a do-er. Maybe you’re a way-shower. A method explainer. A path provider. What can someone get from you? What do you deliver? What skill, awareness, system, craft, gift, etc.. are you trying to sell me? How much experience do you have? Are you recognized for it? Is it making you money? Do you want it to make you more money?

Primed for Increase

We call this Master Your Sales, and it’s your 4th class. What I’ve noticed is that most people have it in them to try their hand at business. Most people will toss the coin once. The ones who are truly successful though, are the ones who do it again. The really great stories come from those who get braver and bolder with each pivot and challenge and keep developing new initiatives, new systems, new methods, new portals, and bringing them to life.


Many of the clients who come to JJC are at a crossroads in their business. They’ve usually reached a point where they need to increase, or they’re going to start to decrease. What I mean by that is - they want or need to see more money coming into their business for the same or less energetic effort on their part - because their current energy output either isn’t growing their business, or isn’t going to be enough to sustain it.

Our clients aren’t usually brand new to business, but they can be. Most of our clients are already somewhat successful, but they need support to get to their next place of increase. We have a variety of programs available, and we even offer a call with Alyssa to see which one would suit you best - BUT - we thought this program was an even better solution.

We’re doing something we’ve never done before -

This gives those of you who are considering a larger program with Jesse the option to join her in a small group for a more substantial taste of her energy. We created something at a very accessible price - and we’re going to discount the cost of this investment from our Sales Full Stop program, if that’s the one you intend to move to next.







Trust your knowing.

Want support or expertise to help connect you to your own impulse about what’s correct for you?

2023 Copyright Jesse Johnson Coaching